Engagement with stakeholders

We build fruitful relationships.

The frequent engagement and regular contact with our stakeholders are crucial to our positioning. Their needs and perceptions are permanently influenced by market conditions and by the country’s social and economic situation.

Materiality matrix

The materiality matrix identifies the areas that are crucial to the stakeholders and guides the them in the definition of the company’s strategy. This matrix supports the top management when taking decisions and defines priorities regarding business and sustainability.

The following methods ranked the areas: 

  • the relevance criteria indicated by AA1000SES – Stakeholder Engagement Standard (relationship with commitments or policies, financial effects and accordance with benchmark analysis and legal framework)
  • impact evaluation vs its likelihood

The stakeholder’s views were confronted with managements’, originating a materiality matrix.


The UN sustainable development targets (ODS) are an extremely useful working tool to companies. Like the Global Compact principles and previous Millennium Targets (all by UN), the ODS work as more complete and deeper guidelines or orientations. They help companies to define, implement, communicate and report all their strategies, targets and activities.

There are 17 priority areas identified and approved by 190 countries to help preserve the planet and the human being’s dignity.

We have aligned our ESG commitments with the Sustainable Development Goals.

CTT has presented a set of ESG commitments, along with associated targets, that we aim to achieve by the end of the decade. These commitments have been aligned with the corresponding SDGs. This alignment demonstrates that CTT's sustainability policy, while naturally encompassing all United Nations Goals, particularly contributes to SDGs 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, and 16.

Specific Goals and Associated SDGs

  • Renewable and Affordable Energies

    Achieve a net-zero carbon balance by 2030

    Ensure access to reliable, sustainable and modern sources of energy for all

  • Sustainable Production and Consumption

    Achieve a net-zero carbon balance by 2030

    Ensure sustainable consumption and production paths

  • Climate Action

    Achieve a net-zero carbon balance by 2030

    Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

  • Quality Health

    Be a benchmark employer, leveraged by a people-centred culture, by 2030

    Ensure access to quality health care and promote well-being for all

  • Quality Education

    Be a benchmark employer, leveraged by a people-centred culture, by 2030

    Ensure access to inclusive, quality and equitable education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

  • Gender Equality

    Be a benchmark employer, leveraged by a people-centred culture, by 2030

    Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

  • Reduce Inequalities

    Strengthen the Iberian presence and the active involvement of employees in actions with a positive impact on communities

    Reduce inequalities within and between countries

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Ensure the involvement of CTT people in the Company's culture and strategic goals

    Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

  • Peace, Justice, and Effective Institutions

    Ensure the involvement of CTT people in the Company's culture and strategic goals

    Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels