Our people well being

Our people are our top priority.

We continue to guide the relationship with our people according to the following priorities:

  • definition and implementation of new and consistent policies concerning the human capital development, that may promote the skills, and reward both the performance and the company agility.
  • maintaining of a sound social environment
  • continued investment in training and qualification
  • optimization and adequation of all personnel, bearing in mind the need to answer the market evolution and challenges.


By the end of 2022, we had 12 506 collaborators, of which 4747 were women and 7759 were men. 
89,5%  were full-time employed which - although it continues to represent a vast majority - demonstrates a  6,9%  decrease during the last four years. As far as part-time workers are concerned, we had almost the same number of women (213), as men (212).  

In terms of age groups: 8,2% of the workers were 29 years old, or less. 

  • 51,4% had more than 30 to 50 years 
  • 40,3% had more than 51 years 

The total rate of staff turnover was of 17,8% and the rate of new recruitments was 29,9% (31,8% for women and 28,7% for men). 
The absenteeism rate was of 7,5% and in terms of parenthood, the return rate when the leave ended was of 95,1%. 
In what concerns the academic qualifications of our permanent workers: &nbsp

  • 8,4% had less than nine years of schooling ( less 4,6% than four years ago)  
  • 23% han nine years of schooling 
  • 50,4% had 12 years of schooling   
  • 18,2% had a high degree of education

Family Responsible Company  

In 2022, CTT obtained the certificate of Family Responsible Company, issued by the Fundación Másfamilia and by ACEGE. The conciliation between professional, personal and family life is of the essence to keep the mental balance of everyone who works in CTT. The required measures are based upon five pillars:  

  • Quality at work  
  • Space and time flexibility  
  • Family support 
  • Personal development  
  • Professional equal opportunites 

This certification mirrors CTT’s commitment to create a wellbeing environment inside the organization and plays an important role in the motives which lead people to choose our company as a workplace.

CTT Social Works– health care for our persons and their families

CTT Social Works, that has existed since 1949, aims at providing health care – sickness prevention, treatment and recovery – and compensations for family expenses.  
By the end of 2022, we had 36.580 beneficiaries, of which 18.672 were full members and the remaining were relatives. About 42% of these people were retired and 679 had terminated their contracts under special conditions. 

Our subsidiaries 
The personnel of our subsidiaries have, generally, health insurance that covers every member of the family.  

Social Action

CTT has a Social Service Department that provides psychosocial support in the field of mental health, addictions or old age, among others. In 2022, more than 420 new cases were followed, besides that were already supported, with interventions in situations of serious illness, economic deprivation, social disfunction and labor questions.

Labor Relations management  

The workers have several levels of representation bodies, that ensure their communication with the company management: 

  • The workers Commission of   CTT, S.A. and the workers Commission of CTT Expresso
  • 128 Sub commissions established in CTT, S.A.  

These bodies carry out their legal responsibilities and CTT keeps in permanent contact with the workers’ commissions, through monthly meetings, at the highest level. Specific meetings are also carried out with each one of the Commissions, as well as with the Unions affiliated to CTT. 

On December 31st, 2022, 96,5% of CTT’s workers were covered by the Company Agreement and 75,7% were unionized.