Locky': CTT launches a new brand of lockers open to any delivery operator

17 de Maio, 2022

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CTT – Correios de Portugal  has just launched a new network of lockers: Locky, that intends to manage the locker business in the Iberian market and accounts for an investment of 8 million euros. Regardless of the brand CTT,  the goal is - for private customers who shop online - to use those lockers, regardless of the delivery operator, in order to collect their parcels anytime, anywhere.

Given CTT’s focus on the development of a leading e-commerce lockers network in Portugal, Locky intends to install 1000 lockers until the end of the year, which will turn this network into the largest and most extensive network nationwide.

It is a very convenient solution either for e-byers or e-sellers, given that the lockers will also complement CTT’s delivery points, with an innovative solution, which reinforces the company’s position in the e-commerce value chain and strengthens CTT’s proximity to its customers.

Locky network is also very convenient for customers who privilege their autonomy when they buy on line, and it also entails significant environmental advantages

The last mile has a consolidated effect which reduces vehicles’ dispersion in the cities. One locker only, allows the delivery to several receivers, thus avoiding the delivery to several homes. This way, the more deliveries in lockers, the less travels, which therefore decreases the number of carbon emissions associated to the last mile.