CTT maintain leading performance regarding fight against climate changes with excellent scores

30 de Dezembro, 2021

CTT – Correios de Portugal continue to lead when it comes to performance in the fight against climate changes. The scores obtained by our company in the scope of sustainability ratings are a major proof of this fact. 

According to João Bento, CTT’s CEO, “these awards for which we are very proud of are proof of CTT’s commitment in the scope of climate changes, one of the major humanity’s current challenges in which we want to continue to invest, worried about everyone’s future. It is our every day’s attitude when we innovate in the processes, in the products, in the technology used and in the various initiatives that generate value to our community”.

CTT were awarded with the highest Leadership level when it comes to Climate Changes, rate A, for the Carbon Disclosure Project 2021 CDP, a capital market index that is the main carbon and energy sustainability rating worldwide.

This year, there were only five postal operators, including CTT, that scored in the Leadership category. We were 3rd in our sector, along with the Austrian and Italian Posts, and La Poste and PostNL reached the maximum punctuation, the A level. Nationally, we reached the 2nd place, along with five other companies. This year, only one company managed to reach the A level. Therefore, we think this is an excellent result; only 16% of the companies worldwide scored in the Leadership category (A or A-), which means that CTT are still above the global, sectorial, and European average.

In the International Post Corporation (IPC) sectorial program, named Sustainability Measurement and Management System (SMMS), this year CTT reached the 4th position among the major 20 postal operators worldwide. CTT also scored above the sectorial average in all the seven areas analyzed, with the highest scores in the Climate Changes and Health and Security areas. This award recognizes the improvements made by CTT in all the areas analyzed compared to the previous year. IPC pointed out as positive improvements CTT’s performance in the purchase of electricity 100% coming from renewable sources and the high recycling rate regarding the waste produced in their premises.


Currently, CTT own the largest logistics ecologic fleet with 3925 vehicles, of which 336 are electric and hybrid, and have recently ordered new 84 electric motorcycles and 73 electric vans. CTT were pioneers in the professional use of electric vehicles in Portugal, in the early 2000s. As of 2012, there was a gradual increase in this type of vehicles in CTT’s fleet, by adding electric bicycles, cargo vehicles adapted to special deliveries and light duty vehicles. In the last two years, there has also been some investment in light duty passenger vehicles.

Aware of the importance of the environmental sustainability and ecologic awareness, CTT have developed multiple initiatives aiming at the reinforcement of energy saving and the reduction of carbon emissions. This will continue to be our investment in the future.