CTT announces return service for online orders without transport labels

10 de Janeiro, 2024

 CTT - Correios de Portugal has just officially introduced a new service for online retailers aimed at making it easier to return orders. To benefit from Simplified Returns, shops simply have to register on the CTT platform and then provide their customers with the link to the return request page. For new members, the first four monthly instalments are free.

This offer aims to meet the growing importance that shoppers attribute to returns in the context of their online shopping, allowing them to make these returns via a fully digital experience.

The whole process is online, simple and intuitive. To take advantage from the service, customers need to access the page on the CTT website, choose the shop where they made the purchase and fill in the return information - order number, date, address details and reason for return. After paying for the service online, customers get a return code that allows them to deliver the parcel without having to print any documents or a transport label. The parcel can be returned to one of the CTT Delivery Points (the CTT Delivery Point network already has 3,000 points including CTT Post Offices, CTT Points, Payshop Agents and Locky lockers).

After the process has been created, shops have access to a backoffice where they can view all the returns created by their customers and proceed to accept and approve them, with customers being notified automatically.

This service capitalises on the huge capillarity of the CTT network, the largest and most comprehensive in Portugal, with a strong proximity to the population. CTT's network of delivery points is growing strongly and is already the largest on the Iberian Peninsula, with more than 14,000 alternative home delivery points for sending and receiving Express Parcels in Portugal and Spain.