Shareholder remuneration

Key principles

i. Enables financial capacity to maintain strategic flexibility to meet the goals of investment in business growth and to continue to position CTT as a reference in logistics and e-commerce in Portugal and Spain;

ii. Implement a remuneration policy that is attractive, constituting an adequate source of income for its shareholders;

iii. Includes an ordinary dividend component, which is intended to have a greater recurrence, and a share repurchase component, which will be more casuistic and applicable according to market conditions.

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1 Based on individual accounts; 2 Yield calculated taking as a reference the year-end share price of each year;
3 Executed in 2023 and 2024; 4 SBB of €25 m in execution in 2024 and 2025.

Shareholder remuneration principles – dividends

Targeting to pay out between 35% to 50% of net profit in recurrent dividends.


1 Yield calculated taking as a reference the year-end share price of each year; 2 Based on individual accounts;

Shareholder remuneration principles – Share buyback

Share repurchase component, which will be more casuistic and applicable according to market conditions.

Subsequent cancellation of the shares purchased, in the presence of adequate market conditions.


1 Yield calculated taking as a reference the market cap at year end of 2022, 2023 and at end of 1H24 respectively.

Consult here the press releases related to the share buyback program.