Recycling old uniforms in partnership with startup To Be Green

30 July, 2024

In yet another partnership with the startup To Be Green, they continue to invest in the circular economy, taking advantage of their resources and materials to promote the emergence of new products. In this case, a project was launched to manufacture fully recycled distribution vests for employees, which integrates post-consumer recycled fiber into the main fabric, coming from old uniforms.
In total, 200 vests have already been made from 1.2 tons of textile waste - approximately three thousand items. The ‘new’ product is being tested in five CTT Postal Distribution Centers (Vila Real, Cantanhede, Portalegre, Torres Vedras and Odemira).
In terms of the environmental impact of the project, the uniforms were prevented from being sent to landfill or incineration, which resulted in a saving in emissions of 1.4 tons of CO2 and a saving in water consumption of around 2.3 thousand meters cubic, if the vests were produced in organic or conventional virgin cotton.