Locky invites artist Another Angelo for special locker illustration

2 de Março, 2023

Foto da notícia

Locky invited the Portuguese illustrator Another Angelo to leave his mark on one of its lockers, through a special vinyl, at the artist's choice. The illustration can be seen in the Locky locker located at the CTT Store in Cascais. This project is the first locker of the initiative - Art Locky - which aims to give stage to national artists, taking advantage of the locations of the lockers, in outdoor spaces.

According to Francisco Travassos, Locky's CEO, "the invitation we made to Another Angelo is proof that Culture, in its various forms, is also a form of proximity between people. Being Locky a young brand, having the opportunity to perpetuate the work of this artist in one of our lockers is a source of great pride. And of course, we highlight what is Portuguese: we are talking about a project of a Portuguese artist, in a brand that is also national, with Portuguese suppliers”.

“This initiative was a challenge. Thinking about a creativity for a locker is not what I am used to doing. What I want is for whoever is picking up a package at the locker or passing by, to stop for a few seconds and get some kind of motivation for their day," explains artist Another Angelo.

The Locky brand was born in May last year to manage an Iberian network of lockers, open to any carrier, with the aim of facilitating the reception of orders.

Currently, by means of the Locky network, the CTT Group has the largest network of intelligent lockers in Portugal, located in various points from north to south of the country, such as in physical retail networks, shopping centres, university campuses, intermodal transport platforms, hospitals, parking lots, service stations and, in the case of corporate lockers, in companies.

The CTT Group's Locky lockers network already comprises more than 500 lockers and fits in CTT's strategy of providing maximum convenience in last mile delivery to consumers who choose to make their purchases online.

All Locky Locker locations can be found here.