Free Locky Parcel Lockers for Banco CTT customers

28 de Novembro, 2022

Locky automatic parcel lockers will be free, for 18 months, for Banco CTT customers with a debit card. These lockers are a simple and fast solution for consumers to pick up their orders at the most suitable time for their convenience.

With this partnership with Banco CTT, Banco CTT customers will now have one more advantage to simplify their lives: they will be able to use Locky parcel lockers, shopping at any website at no extra cost, simply by signing up for the service until 31 March 2023, at In addition, customers who register and use the service can win a wireless smartphone charger. Locky has 50 chargers to offer.

The Locky parcel lockers network is expanding significantly. With more than 450 lockers spread throughout the country, these lockers can be found in the most convenient and easily accessible locations, such as gas stations, shopping centres, retail outlets and parking facilities. This is a safe solution that allows total autonomy to the consumer since an order is kept in a locker for five days.

In addition to the enormous advantages for customers, Locky parcel lockers are also important in terms of sustainability, meeting the expectations of customers that are increasingly involved with environmental issues. We know that it is not always possible to be home at the time of delivery of a package and, therefore, the option to use lockers avoids unnecessary trips to addresses and final distribution ultimately reduces the dispersion of delivery vehicles to various recipients. Thus, the more deliveries made through this delivery method, the greater the reduction in the number of trips, which will generate fewer carbon emissions associated with the last mile.

Using the Locky parcel lockers network is simple and intuitive. When shopping online, the addressees decide which locker is the most convenient for them and, after depositing the item, they decide when to pick it up. The interface with the addressee is very simple and based on sending an SMS and email with the secret code.

Check here where Locky 'by' CTT parcel lockers are available all over the country.