CTT works with startup to implement phone booths in offices

21 de Setembro, 2020

CTT provides “phone booths”, in a partnership with Offcoustic, so that its office employees may have specific areas to make their calls or videocalls more privately and with the best conditions.

CTT is liable for selling, transporting and assembling this equipment, very relevant today with the pandemic situation where there is a reinforcement of the trend to communicate by phone and video. The booths, 100% Portuguese, are available to order at the CTT Post Offices for corporate customers.

This partnership reinforces CTT’s position as the total delivery operator, with an offer directed to corporate customers and following others that CTT has been providing in these times of crisis to contribute to the national corporate segment’s sustainability.

From the beginning of this pandemic situation that CTT has maintained all mail and parcels’ delivery services through their capillarity; CTT has also implemented a set of digital initiatives to help economy and SMCs.