CTT strengthen commitment to circular economy with new mail transport boxes recycling project

30 de Dezembro, 2022

Foto da notícia

CTT - Correios de Portugal continue to invest in the circular economy, leveraging their resources and materials to create new products. This is the case with the latest cassette recycling project, where damaged and end-of-life cassettes are transformed into new mail transport boxes.

Initially launched as a pilot project, the success of the tests quickly became evident, and production was ramped up. CTT now operates with 13,000 units of recycled trays/cassettes produced.

Earlier this year, the circular economy pilot project was expanded to focus on the material used in CTT operations - international mail bags and damaged CTT cassettes - giving the waste a new life by producing new mail transport boxes with reintroduced recycled polypropylene. In the case of polypropylene from damaged cassettes, up to 95% recycled material can be incorporated in the production of new cassettes.

Sustainability is of great importance at CTT. They communicate their environmental and social responsibility projects and encourage active participation from society and all employees.

An example of this is the mask recycling project, which was recently awarded the CSR Coups de Coeur 2022 prize by PostEurop. Initially implemented at CTT's Cabo Ruivo and Maia Production and Logistics Centers and Taveiro Logistics and Distribution Center, the project was later expanded to the company's headquarters and two Expresso operation centers. The project has already allowed for 34,000 masks to be recycled, equivalent to approximately 100 kilograms.

The used masks deposited in the containers by the employees at those locations were later transformed into a resistant material using a chemical process, which was then used to create new products.

In terms of circular economy, CTT recently launched the ECO Reusable Packaging, aimed at e-commerce customers as an alternative to single-use packaging, with an expected lifespan of up to 50 cycles.

CTT is committed to being increasingly involved in sustainability, thinking about the future for everyone. They put this into practice every day by innovating in processes, products, technology, and various initiatives and support that generate value for the community.