CTT recognized by COTEC with the INNOVATIVE Company Status 2022

19 de Julho, 2022

CTT - Correios de Portugal was recognized, for the second year in a row, for its positioning in the area of innovation, entrepreneurship and connection to the Portuguese business community and is again, for COTEC, the company deserving the INNOVATOR 2022 Status. This distinction reinforces CTT's position as a company with high standards of financial solidity, innovation and economic performance skills.

Resulting from a partnership between institutions within the financial sector and COTEC Portugal, the COTEC INNOVATIVE Status aims to award companies with superior performance by recognizing the example, raising awareness and reinforcing value for the market.

For João Bento, CTT's CEO, "innovation is in our DNA, so this distinction recognizes all the work we have been developing over the past years and we are very proud to receive it. This recognition by COTEC reinforces in a very positive way what is already CTT's positioning in the area of innovation and entrepreneurship.”

CTT positions itself as a company oriented to the customer and his needs, with a segmented offer for individuals and companies, with solutions that start with sending mail and express mail, include the best savings offers, credit insurance, and a broad portfolio of convenience products in its retail network, as well as a complete offer of solutions to support companies in their digitization and growth process. Such services include advertising, payments, logistics including fulfilment, process outsourcing and support for presence in the world of e-commerce.

To enhance its connection with the national business community and to boost the development of innovation in companies, CTT has an interaction program with start-ups and has recently created, in 2021, an Investment Fund worth 5 million euros to support innovation activities in Small and Medium Companies and start-ups. CTT recently announced the investment in two Portuguese start-ups with solutions in the Operations and Logistics area, KIT-AR, in the area of augmented reality (augmented work) for industrial production and Sensefinity, in the logistics area.