CTT offers special discounts on the Net'20 Shopping Day

22 de Outubro, 2020

CTT will offer special discounts to private and corporate customers at the Net’20 Shopping Day (DCN), to be held next Friday October 23rd. This annual event, promoted by ACEPI, takes place since 2011 and gathers hundreds of websites and online stores from the most important brands in Portugal.

For private customers, CTT is offering the shipping fees to items bought at the CTT Online Store on October 23rd; 50% of the shipping fees for purchases made at the Comércio local app (local shopping) on October 23rd also; and discounts on the 24h parcel lockers service, offering two uses for the price of one, purchased on October 23rd.

The CTT Online Store offers a wide range of products from books, technologic products, experiences, Covid-19 protection masks, special products celebrating the 500 years of the Portuguese Posts, CTT merchandising, but mostly a wide philatelic offer that includes CTT stamps and books. The Comércio local offer, directed to small local producers, works as a local marketplace digital platform, enabling them to have an online presence through a simple digital and user-friendly app provided by their corresponding city councils. The 24h parcel lockers allow customers to receive their domestic or international parcels more conveniently in one of the CTT lockers.

Regarding corporate customers, CTT will also provide several discounts. Customers that subscribe on October 23rd the Criar lojas Online service will be awarded with 2 months for free; stores published for the first time on the week before the DCN will benefit from a free month awarded on October 23rd; for customer that subscribe the CTT Logística service on the week from October 19th to 23rd, CTT will offer 3 months of free storage service.

The Criar Lojas Online Stores service enables SMCs to create online stores and sell their products, including all inherent components (payment, expedition and delivery), and has already 1200 registered companies. The CTT Logistics service, directed to the e-commerce, includes storage, parcels’ automatic import, picking, packing and shipping. The management is completely made by the customer through an online platform.

The Net Shopping Day lasts 24h and tries to boost the brands’ sales, by capturing new customers and more business, increasing the Portuguese people’s trust in safe online shopping and promoting the internet best practices. CTT is one of the main players to help the Portuguese companies make their transition to the digital world, and therefore to have a wider market portfolio.