CTT launches new sustainable paper waste project

6 de Julho, 2022

CTT - Correios de Portugal is testing, in some Post Offices across the country, a new concept of paper cuttings, used to fill and send postal items. Originated from the reuse of paper, this product is fully sustainable and promotes circular economy and was born within the INOV+ initiative, created to welcome ideas from CTT's employees.

The pilot project has been running in five CTT Post Offices since February: Lamaçães, Palácio dos Correios, in Porto, Santarém, Sete Rios and Picoas.

The purposes of this pilot project are to help and support Customers in the act of preparing/sending mail, to invest in innovation with a focus on Sustainability, to promote the processing of paper - reducing its production as waste to a minimum - and to reinforce the brand values of CTT's social and environmental responsibility.

By enabling a reuse system, these paper cuttings are also an important step in supporting the transition to a circular economy, with impact in a growing market such as e-commerce.

There is currently a greater awareness and concern about the future of the Planet and about people's quality of life and this is a challenge that CTT incorporates in its daily strategies, in its range of products and services.