CTT introduces video interpretation service in sign language for customer service

1 de Fevereiro, 2024

CTT - Correios de Portugal, in a partnership with Serviin, will be offering a video interpretion service in Portuguese sign language (PSL) to its customers from Thursday 1st February, breaking down some of the communication barriers that have existed until now and contributing to a more inclusive society.

The communication is mediated by a PSL interpreter. As soon as the interpreter receives the customer's video call via the Serviin app, he or she immediately establishes a voice call with CTT's customer service team and simultaneously translates the conversation, allowing communication between the parties to flow smoothly. To take advantage of this service, which is completely free of charge, customers simply have to download the Serviin app.

According to the Director of Customer Voice and Support, Cláudia Serra, "this partnership fulfils the Deaf Community's need to communicate with CTT. This service is undoubtedly an asset that creates equal opportunities when it comes to access to information, and is a powerful tool for inclusion, allowing people with hearing impairments full autonomy."

The innovative service provides general CTT information, but also more specific clarifications, such as tracking or changing a delivery, understanding the status of the customs clearance process, additional information on online payments or investing in savings, as well as details of various products and services offered by CTT.

The helpline is available every working day between 08.30 and 19.30.