CTT Expresso grows above-market in the Express and Parcels sector

8 de Outubro, 2020

In Portugal, CTT experienced a 3% growth in the Express and Parcels market share at the end of the first half of 2020, compared with the same period in 2019. These values were based on the ANACOM (Regulator) report on statistics of the postal services regarding the second quarter of 2020.

In what concerns the number of items transported, CTT registered a 26.1% growth in the first half of 2020 compared with the same period in 2019, which represents more than around 2.6 million items transported in a universe of 12.4 million items.

When disclosing the results of the first half of 2020, CTT had already revealed that it had reached operational profits of 51.8 million €, representing a 12.8% growth. EBITDA reached 4.5 million €, representing a 70.8% growth regarding the same period in 2019, in spite of the investment CTT has been making in the e-commerce segment in Portugal.

CTT has shown a great commitment and dedication in the protection of its employees and in the pursuit of its business and activity, strictly complying with the Official Authorities instructions. It has also stood out in the support and promotion of the national economy, making the life of the confined people much easier. The growth in Portugal was a result of a set of initiatives offered by CTT intended to accelerate and boost solutions to help in the recovery of the activities affected, and create growth opportunities, namely with offers like CTT Comércio local (local commerce), CTT Crial lojas online (creation of online stores) or digital showrooms and fairs.