CTT delivers the Citizen Card at home

25 de Setembro, 2020

CTT – Correios de Portugal will deliver the Citizen Card at the Portuguese homes. This is a pilot-project from Instituto de Registos e Notariado (IRN) (Public Institute of Registral and Notarial Services) that kickstarts this Friday, September 25th, in Oeiras.

This service, that will gradually cover all the country, will involve more than 6.000 citizens of the Oeiras council on this first phase. It is supposed to cover around 100 thousand citizens.

CTT, with a delivery network of around 5 thousand postmen and a retail network with 2 thousand post office employees at its 550 post offices throughout the country, will be liable for the delivery of the Citizen Cards. This service reflects the importance of our populations’ trust and proximity, and the strong capillarity of the Company’s retail network.

Customers will receive an SMS or an email from IRN notifying that the document will be delivered by registered mail, and informing that the reception can only be made by the citizen him/herself, with identification. In case the delivery is not possible at that moment, the Citizen Card may be collected at the post office indicated at the advice of arrival left at the post office box. Alternatively, the citizen may request the “Change delivery” service, which will enable the change of the delivery address to a most convenient one.

For security reasons, only the card owner may collect it, whether at home or at the post office, because the identity must be confirmed physically. 

This measure is the result of a joint Justice and Public Administration project that intends to address the increasing number of citizen cards that are waiting to be delivered due to the pandemic situation. It will cover all national citizens with 18 years-old or more, living in Portugal that had requested and paid for their renewal of the Citizen Card; the card collection is not scheduled until October 31st; they are capable (i.e., not subject to majority accompanying); have their mobile phone or email associated to the Citizen Card.

CTT is aware of the major role played in the maintenance of the communication and logistics channels, vital to the Portuguese economy and society. This role is reinforced in the current context by supporting not only the citizens, but also companies present in the digital channels through their solutions and services and partnerships with the government.

The company is implementing CoviD-19 infection mitigation measures in its retail network and in all its mail and parcels sorting and delivery processes. CTT, continuing the provision of a quality service and proximity with populations, requests a strict compliance with the Portuguese General Health Body recommendations to ensure all CTT customers and employees’ safety.