CTT covers 2.5 million km on foot and bicycle in 2019

22 de Setembro, 2020

CTT reinforces its sustainability strategy by participating in the 19th edition of the European Mobility Week (EMW), from September 16th to 22nd. This is an annual initiative that intends to encourage the use of sustainable transports by public authorities and to change the citizens’ behavior regarding transportation habits.

In the scope of this year’s European Mobility Week theme, “Zero emissions, mobility for all”, CTT informed that in 2019 it had covered 67 million km in motor vehicles, which is like 1694 full rotations around the Earth. 30% of these rotations were carbon neutral. Also in 2019, CTT covered 2.5 million km on foot and bicycle, reinforcing the utmost importance of a sustainable mobility and CTT’s commitment on these subjects.

According to Miguel Salema Garção, Communication and Sustainability Director, “our daily commitment with sustainability benefits all of us, our planet and biodiversity. CTT has been trying to manage the company in the most sustainable way, in a continuous involvement, transparency and with total delivery attitude. CTT has also been making a huge investment not only in the reduction of consumption and waste, but also in its electric fleet, adapting the network to the urban sustainability and mobility challenges and carbon compensating the emissions”.

On the first half of 2020, CTT purchased nine new electric vehicles, totalizing 321 alternative vehicles of its own fleet. It is the major alternative fleet regarding the transport and logistics segment in Portugal. Furthermore, CTT is performing a wide set of tests with electric vehicles, namely lightweight vehicles, scooters and tricycles. The use of some of these models is pioneer in our country, like the pilot test Nissan e-NV200. CTT estimates that the use of these vehicles in the company may lead to a carbon saving of 17.5 tons of CO2/year, the equivalent to the electric energy consumption of 10 inhabitants.  

Already this year, right in the middle of the pandemic crisis, CTT introduced the Green Deliveries service to corporate customers. This service ensures that all deliveries at the addresses agreed are exclusively made with electric vehicles. These vehicles do not release NOx particles, so the carbon impact is nearly null and helps to improve the air quality in cities.

The adoption of a more sustainable positioning is a CTT top priority. The Easy Mail service, carbon neutral, had more than 3.5 million items sold only on the first semester. Also, the Express offer carbon footprint is totally neutral, through carbon compensation projects (chosen by the general public) that promote positive impact regarding biodiversity and the development of local communities.