CTT and Quercus planted around 5500 trees in the Baldio de São Pedro in Manteigas, within the Natural Park of Serra da Estrela

9 de Março, 2023

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CTT - Correios de Portugal and Quercus, with the help of over 150 volunteers, planted around 5,500 trees as part of the "One Tree for the Forest" initiative. The reforestation action took place last Saturday, March 4th, in the Baldio de São Pedro in Manteigas, within the Natural Park of Serra da Estrela.

The plantings of Scots Pine, Black Pine, and Portuguese Oak corresponded to the number of "One Tree for the Forest" kits purchased by the public so far, within the 9th edition of this campaign, an initiative that has contributed to the reforestation of several areas of our country.

The implementation of these plantations demonstrates Quercus and CTT's commitment to mobilizing society for the importance of our forest and its recovery. Anyone who participates in the "One Tree for the Forest" initiative is contributing to the reforestation of Protected and Classified Areas throughout the country. The role of forests, forest species, and the ecosystem services they provide is essential to our existence and the preservation of biodiversity and the water cycle.

The 9th edition of the "One Tree for the Forest" campaign is still ongoing, and this year's kit, the Laurel, can be purchased for the price of 4€ at all CTT stores throughout the country and online at www.ctt.pt, with free shipping to the entire national territory.

Since 2014, CTT and Quercus have been partners in this project. Thanks to the contribution of thousands of people in Portugal and abroad, 115,500 native trees and shrubs have already been planted in Portugal.

The 'One Tree for the Forest' campaign kits also have a QR Code with an audio message that provides news and instructions for registering the kit on the website www.umaarvorepelafloresta.quercus.pt, so that you can know where your tree will be planted and, if you want to be a volunteer in the plantings, when they will take place. All plantings are organized in the field by QUERCUS, in collaboration with the ICNF - Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests.