Startups on the spotlight at CTT E-commerce Awards

2 de Dezembro, 2022

With the goal of valuing and promoting e-commerce best practices and/or tools and digital business models underlying it, CTT launched the E-Commerce Awards contest.

With applications closed on the 11th of November, and after going through a pitch from the three finalists in each category, the panel of judges - which included several national experts from the digital world and is chaired by Carlos Oliveira, former Secretary of State for Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness and Innovation – announced its choice at the CTT e-Commerce Day (November 30th).

In the Startups categories, the winners were:

  • Innovation in Logistics, Delivery and Returns in e-Commerce: Sensefinity;
  • Innovation in financial services in e-Commerce: Fraudio;
  • Innovation in Digital Marketing in e-Commerce: Mapideia.