CTT join the re-source program scouting for waste management solutions

22 de Fevereiro, 2022

For four months, Sociedade Ponto Verde and collaborative innovation consultancy Beta-i brought together 20 entrepreneurs from 10 countries, and 13 partners (CTT included), in the Re-Source collaborative innovation program to create solutions in the area of waste management.

In this context, pilot projects were developed focused on increasing recycling rates among consumers and creating new solutions for specific categories of waste. Attentive to these issues, CTT followed all the pitches, having already identified some startups.

The expectation of these partnerships is to strengthen the sustainable packaging value chain, with solutions that lead to greater process efficiency, which also help to meet national and community goals in terms of waste management — in accordance with the future PERSU 2030 —, as well as as the commitments made by the country in the field of circular economy, climate and sustainability.